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General Incorporated Association KAIKA GPE -Global Peace Education-

▶ Japanese Page / 日本語

Are you satisfied with your life?
Do you feel that you are able to share the things you enjoy with the people you love?
Do you struggle with anger and self-denial on a daily basis?

There are people whose relationships are constantly improving and whose finances are steadily becoming wealthier. On the contrary, there are people experiencing deterioration at every step of the way.
What is the difference between them?

After experiencing the extremes of both good and bad circumstances in my life, it became clear to me that the mechanism behind those two phenomena is identical.

Cutting-edge science is now saying that phenomena emerge when we observe our surroundings with the consciousness and awareness that we hold on a daily basis.

Consciousness, as we know it, a scientist says this consciousness is the photon of an elementary particle.

What if this consciousness is [photons] as this scientist suggests, then I believe that could explain the mechanism of [photons] from our human relationships to various phenomena related to consciousness because the elementary particle “photon” has a wave-like property.

What if consciousness has the nature of photons, then it is possible to make your life happier and more balanced than ever before, especially through the mastery of the photon.

What if the world is completely filled with people who are extremely happy?

I believe that we can create the earth to be a peaceful planet of love.
Kaika is a company aiming to contribute to such a dream-like world.

Kaika offers educational seminars based on concepts from quantum mechanics.

The students who have taken the Kaika learning classes for children are achieving excellent results in academics and extracurricular activities such as:
Accepted into top-ranked universities in Japan including Tokyo University, Keio University, Waseda University, etc.
Among the top students in their junior high schools all year round.
Students with developmental disabilities have repeatedly achieved perfect scores on math tests.
A university dance team won the national championship.
A university rugby team was ranked up from the second division to the first division and entered the national tournament in their first year.
A fencing team reached the world championships.
The soccer, kendo, table tennis, and karate teams also made it to national tournaments.

Individuals who have taken the Kaika Seminar for Adults have achieved a wide range of personal, business, and other successes and the results have been beyond imagination in just 6 months to 3 years.
Their marriage improved, they started and ran a business together, and were featured in a magazine for their explosive popularity.
Domestic violence shifted to the reverse state of love.
Monthly sales increased 40 times in 4 years.
After exhibiting at Japan’s premier Makuhari Messe Auto Show, the president of a small company launched a joint research project with a national university, contributing to the improvement of technology in Japan and Asia.

Incorporating the Kaika Method into the lives of many people has not only enabled them to realize their true potential but also shifted them to the lifestyle that they always desired.

The KAIKA seminar offers self-enlightenment programs that combine principles from quantum mechanics, neuroscience, and psychology to help individuals live their lives with a high sense of self-affirmation.

Our mission at KAIKA is to help people overcome challenges and achieve their goals. To do this, we believe it’s important to shift our perspective to the quantum physics side of reality. By embracing the all-inclusive, comprehensive range of frequencies in the Zero Point Field, we can open ourselves up to new possibilities and connections.

We encourage our clients to adopt this perspective as the foundation for their consciousness and to view the world from the Zero-point field perspective as often as possible. By doing so, they will come to realize the interconnectedness of everything around them.

At KAIKA, we believe that our fate is determined by how we conceive of our reality, rather than our immediate environment and circumstances.

We strive to help our clients reach their full potential by embracing this powerful perspective.

By shifting our consciousness to the invisible realm behind matter and ordinary perceptions, we can solve many of the problems and challenges we face.

This will solve many problems and challenges confronting us if we move the epicenter of our consciousness over to the quantum physics side of reality. That is to shift our viewpoint from a narrow frequency band over to an all-inclusive, comprehensive, and total range of frequencies to the Zero Point Field, where all possibilities reside.

We want to establish this as a foundation of where your consciousness arises, and then keep looking at our world from the Zero-point field perspective at all times, or as often as possible.

Once we can firmly hold our viewpoint from the Zero Point Field, we will soon come to realize how everything is connected together in this world.

Our immediate environment and circumstances are not the primary issue.
What determines our fate depends on how we conceive of our reality.

That is why I firmly believe that the Earth is created by our collective frequency.
By increasing our awareness of love and gratitude, we can shift the Earth to a higher state of consciousness.
Let us begin our consciousness evolution.
Kaika strives to work toward the creation of an enriched world.

▶ Japanese Page / 日本語

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